Case Studies

Ebn Sina Medical Flies Forward with Streamlined Logistics and Demand Planning

Ebn Sina Medical Flies Forward with Streamlined Logistics and Demand Planning

The Challenge: Outdated System Hinders Growth for Ebn Sina Medical
Ebn Sina Medical, a leading pharmaceutical distributor in Qatar, faced limitations with their existing logistics and demand planning system. Their custom-built MS Access application, while functional, lacked the scalability and features needed to support their growth:

These limitations hampered Ebn Sina Medical's ability to optimize their logistics operations and accurately forecast demand.

The Solution: Advanced .NET Core Web Application by Unique Computer Systems
Unique Computer Systems provided a future-proof solution by migrating and enhancing Ebn Sina Medical's legacy application. They developed a robust .NET Core web application that addressed Ebn Sina Medical's specific needs, including:

The Activities: A Partnership for Success
Unique Computer Systems' comprehensive approach covered all aspects of the migration and enhancement process:

The Impact: Taking Flight with Efficiency and Growth
By implementing the advanced .NET Core web application, Ebn Sina Medical has achieved significant improvements:

A Strategic Partnership for a Brighter Future
Ebn Sina Medical's collaboration with Unique Computer Systems has been a strategic success. The new .NET Core web application has revolutionized their logistics and demand planning operations, equipping them with the tools and insights needed to soar ahead in a competitive market.

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