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Interesting news to catch up on this week

26 October, 2014

Google announces Inbox

Google has started opening up invitation requests for its latest email product, Inbox. Inbox will organize your emails like conversations and organize them into relevant 'bundles' and allow you to create your own bundles.

The concept of cards from Google Now is being tried out in Inbox to provide 'at a glance' information on emails without having to open them.

If you have a Gmail account you can send a request to try out Inbox at

Learn more about it here:

Welcome to the Microsoft Garage

Microsoft has initiated a skunkworks of ideas and innovative projects from its own ranks. A variety of ideas from developers, designers, interns, etc. build and post their projects and allow for other to download and vote for them. Great ideas get selected for future products.

BuiltWith Toolbar

The BuiltWith toolbar exposes the technology used to build a website. It is available as an extension for all major browsers.

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