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Interesting news to catch up on this week

01 December, 2014

Component Rundown: Android Application Framework

the Android Application Framework provides developers with programming information about several popular components to speed up the process of adding common functionality, freeing you up to dream up more elaborate features. Here is a quick run-down of common Android components

Smarter Everyday - Design your Day - eBook

Nokia has been putting a series of book on Useful ideas about designing your day10 Managing time and energy. The quick and short guides range from steps on managing time and projects to optimizing the use of time on mobile devices. Take a look at a few of them on Slideshare.

Tech Giants Battle over the Mobile Enterprise Market

Apple is currently dominating the enterprise mobility market, with iOS holding 69 percent of the market compared to the one percent share held by Microsoft, according to Good Technology’s latest Mobility Index Report, which was released last week. And with Apple’s new IBM partnership already bearing fruit, the company is positioned for even more enterprise gains in the coming year.

But the tech giant isn’t stopping there. Apple is also hiring a dedicated sales force and specially trained developers in an effort to convince potential enterprise clients like Citigroup to make the leap. Final results remain to be seen, but industry experts believe Apple will pose a real threat to enterprise hardware and software incumbents like HP, Dell, SAP and Oracle.

The next big thing: Apps for Internet of Things

Internet of Things is all about Internet Devices using sensors and transmitting data to other Internet Devices which might be able to use this data to provide valuable information to humans and carry out tasks automatically. Getting ready to have you Internet of Things app built so you can control your home or work environment? Learn more about it here.

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