UCS developed a bespoke solution for Dubai Industrial City using GPS navigation on Blackberry and Windows UMPC devices.
Given its experience in mobile application development, Unique Computer Systems was contracted by Dubai Industrial City, to provide an innovative mobile information solution to assist its investors and sales personnel with information of plots and locations within the Dubai Industrial City.
The system is being used to provide comprehensive information system for plots and areas within the DIC, so that sales persons would be able to display information on all plots and investors can see information specific to their plot only. The system incorporates Dubai Municipality numbering scheme and proper GIS mapping and GPS co-ordination.
A complex task due to non-availability of GIS information for the area, Unique Computer Systems prepared a solution using basic AutoCAD maps and UTM conversion logic to give an accurate location technology solution.
To add to the challenge the system was to be developed for two separate device platforms, Blackberry devices for the sales team and a Windows based mobile device for investors. Taking up the challenge, Unique Computer Systems developed two versions of the solution, one for the Blackberry and another one that ran on Windows UMPCs (Ultra Mobile Personal Computers). Both applications worked effectively for the platforms they were developed, and provided different features and capabilities best suited to the platform.
The software can be installed on a GPS enabled Blackberry or Windows Mobile device and does not require additional hardware.
The software is designed to detect when the user is in a moving vehicle or not and can display the user's location and the distance and direction of the user from the selected plot along with speed of the user as the vehicle is approaching the plot.
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